Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

Snuggles, Spider and Smudge

Good morning all, Smudge spent most of the night under the covers snuggled up near my feet last night, woke up at 3.30 very warm and realised where he was. I got him out but as soon as I diid he was back where he wanted to be. Had this weird dream about ducks and monkeys in a wildlife park that I was looking at to buy??

Last night was laminating for school and all Smudge wanted to do play with his white mouse and get me to throw it for him. (he is at the moment mewing near the window behind this computer I write on)
Smudge places the mouse on my pile of cut away plastic and so begins the routine of throw, retrieve until he gets tired and sometimes this can take awhile. He has a black mouse as well, it has a squeak which is annoying if it is not squirreled away out of his reach at night. Especailly when one is awakened with a SQUEAK!!!!

Anyway breakfast time for the boys and Spider gets less than Smudge and as usual Spider is finishing off what is left over. They wait for the porridge pot to cool, Spider is now cleaning that up for me with delight and determination.

Also of note is the water bowl they have in the bath, they love going in the bath and drinking from it. If I top it up they both materialise and Smudge normally gets first go at drinking as even though he is younger I believe he will be top cat. AS much as Spider growls with annoyance, Smudge at 9 months is more streetwise than Spider who is about 5 years.

Time to leave these boys to amuse themselves for the day and that was why I got Smudge 4 and a half months ago, to keep Spider company.

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