Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

Tuesday chickpea chases and wash time

Tuesday February 9th
Last night Smudge decided that a chickpea (Roasted with spices) was a great thing to play with and then eat.

 Is that all I get, one measly chickpea???

Ok if thats all I am getting I am gonna play with it and muss up these curtains good.
Then I came across Smudge attempting to have an acrobatic wash on the spare room bed (the one that they cover in cat fur).

Look how stretchy I am.

Ohh I am so tired now!!!

Don't forget gorgeous me!!!


Brian's Home Blog said...

That was really quite a workout!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh those are all great pictures! And you are very stretchy Smudge!!

Kea said...

ROTFL! Who knew a chickpea could be so entertaining? And what a great Yoga stretch Smudge was doing! Impressive!

BeadedTail said...

We haven't played with a chickpea before but it looks like fun! Smudge, you are very stretchy!