Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

Tuesday Toilet teetering and babysitting again.

Tuesday 19th January 2010

Smudge loves to climb on top of the toilet cistern to look outside, its quite funny to watch other than the fluff he leaves behind.

Okay I am just looking, no claws in screen see!!

Hmmm water saving toilet good idea here.

Today I am doing another babysitting job for a comapany called Dial An Angel, so yes that makes me an angel. I am looking after a 2 year old. Travel all by bus to get there as my car is kaput, broken head gasket (hopefully that is all, I am not even going to say anything else into existence).

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Check out Spider and Smudge today at Wendy's blog again. It's great!!!!


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Quite the intrepid explorer.. Hugs GJ x

CCL Wendy said...

Looks like Smudge is trying to toilet train himself! What a guy!

Aww, that's so sweet that's you're babysitting a two-year old -- good luck with that. They're cute, but they're terrible -- or at least so legend would have it.

By the way, Spider and Smudge are on the LOLSpot again today.

Teddy Westlife said...

Smudge you're doing an excellent job of lookout.

By the way, I'm down in Melbourne.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow, an exploring angel, way to go!!!