Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

A mantra, “only five days to go” and repeat!!!

Monday 14th December
Yes I am officially a sooky lala. Our Christmas party for work and I was not keen to go. Who wants a reminder of the not so great Friday I had (still last Friday was a little better than the previous one). I saw a teacher who had left to take on a higher duties position at another school, she asked how I was going and bang the tears started.

We went for a walk and I was a lot more relaxed after, I must be getting a better grip as I stopped the lalas and did not start again. I did not stoop to be extra nice to the deputy, the pooh bum that he is.

I have however decided to tell the Principal at the school because the most important thing to me is that it does not happen to anyone else.

Aunty Sherrie came over this arvo and had a nice time making me Hommos and giving hints about us making sushi and if you get a chance to read this my dearest girl we will in the holidays I promise.

The cats have been enjoying sitting around as they did yesterday and then had as big game of chasey later on in the evening.

Always sits on clean washing, a must do for a cat!!!

A quiz has me prepared for school tomorrow, a prize a chocolate freddo for the most correct answers. I am holding onto Friday for the Pioneer Christmas party, seeing Leanne Saturday and my Hyatt Afternoon tea with Coota boy.

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