Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

Happy new year, how cats sleep and meeting new people is great.

Friday 1st January 2010

A new challenge for Smudge.

Okay, start counting one, two and three then jump.

Happy New Year to all, both Human, feline and the other delightful animals that feature in blogs I follow. I have to say a special hello to the one legged chicken and her minder a lovely German shepherd. A confession I need to make is that I have a soft spot for chickens, having had them as pets as a child. Lolo a good friend keeps chickens and they delight in being picked up and cuddled, just the best a feathered friend can be.

Capturing both Spider and Smudge in funny sleep positions has been a fun escapade of late. And I have got to say they take the cake, especially when I expected them to find sleeping on the spare bed hard with the clothes rack lying on it (otherwise it becomes a cat climbing frame).

See a head rest too, perfect!!!

My spot, scram!!

Mmmm, lots of duck chews, biscuits, yoghurt.

God I wish that bright light would stop flashing!!!

Having had two blind dates in two days gives one a new perspective on life. One was a teacher and I managed to make myself feel inadequate unnecessarily when I found he had been in his position for 15 years. This leads me to remember what I have achieved in my life and not dwell on any shortcomings. Also shows that looks are not everything, this guy was a Tom Cruise looker in a way.
Today’s date went well, a guy with an uncanny resemblance to a young Charles Dance and down to earth.
Then of course it never rains but it pours, wait for it, steady now. After a week of patient waiting Coota asked me to dinner tonight and formal attire of all things. Of course I am excited and nervous and slept very little.
I will enter the new year with a determination to make measurable progress towards my life purpose while having fun as often as possible.


Betsy Ashton said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love yours -- and your list of blogs you follow. All cat lovers need to follow www.daisythecurlycat.blogspot.com. Daisy's human has too much time on her hands and posts daily photos of Daisy and Harley in all types of costumes and getting in all sorts of mischief. Thanks for reading the blog entry.

Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit said...

Happy New Year Kara!! And nice work with the boys (both feline and human) ;o)

T said...

Happy New Year! Your determination to make measurable progress for the new year, while having fun is something everyone needs to do!

I really like your blog:)

Kas said...

Happy New year everyone, be ready for the photos tommorow of todays walk to Square rock. Thanks for all your support and wonderful comments.

Karen Jo said...

Happy New Year! Herman likes to rest his head like that on my arm.

Phyllis said...

Hi Kas,

It's so nice to meet another wonderful woman from Australia! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

Your Spider has very similar markings to my Smudge, except that where Spider is black, Smudge is a beautiful slate gray!

Happy New Year to you. I will try to keep a more positive attitude!