Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

"I can fit in there, sure I can" says Spider, "wait I’m a bit big now, maybe not" he discovers.

Sunday 22nd November
A Tanka Poem dedicated to Leanne
Only months older
She seems as wise as an owl
Magical writings
Altered my life perspective
A life purpose is found
Oh yes back from the coast, it was lovely and most that happened down the coast will stay down the coast. It rained yes, did I get book writing accomplished? Not exactly, but I did write a poem to begin my books

A magical stone
Opens a travel portal
Reconnect with past
The power of five is strong
We rescue fauna as one.
Oh and that Spider trying to get into a pigeon hole on my desk that he fitted into when he was a kitten. Not fitting these days.

Till Monday morning, ciao.

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