Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

I am watching the birds!!!

There is a Currawong and a Blackbird and a Pewee!!! Yippee!!!

Hello all,

I have been practisicing assertiveness, (and bad spelling) my Real estate agent is recommending I drop the price of my property and I feel it is a knee jerk reaction to a slow market. He says people will think something is worng with my house if I leave it at the current price. I feel that dropping it would make people more concerned and have told him to invite people to make and offer which he has not done yet???

So no call to him tommorrow to cahnge the price, it stays at the price I want and if he can't sell it I will wait till his time is up and sell if by myself!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Maye you can even look into multiple realtors to try to sell.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, it's your house and you get to decide! Nice bird watching form!!!

BeadedTail said...

Your birdies sound like lots of fun to watch!

It is your decision what to sell your house at so good for you to stand up for what you want! Some realtors just want that quick sale to get the commission so they don't quite always have your best interest at heart. Trust your intincts!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow, that is great that you have so many different kinds of birdees to watch!

And as for the selling - why would leaving it at the price it is at make people think there is a problem - I would think that lowering it might do that, not keepign it the same. Sounds like strange logic to me. You should do what you feel is best - stick to your guns!

Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit said...

You go girl!!!!