Spider and Smudge

Spider and Smudge
Relax mode, Smudge and Spider Copyright:K J Woodward

The joy of helping children

Hi everybody,

Today was about helping a special bunch of children with their gaps in literacy and understanding. It was a rewarding day as just a little encouragement and assistance seems to take them leaps ahead in confidence, plus its fun for me with no behavioural probs.

And me I am trying to work out how this stepper machine works????


HH and The Boys said...

Whoa... careful there with that stepper machine. I once tried a Nordic Track machine and it wasn't pretty.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a great day with the kids! and that stepper may be a little tricky, be careful!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sounds like you had a great day. Hey, I know how those stepper things work...you hang clothes on them, at least we do at our house!

Jacqueline said...

Great day with the kids=we're sure they love spending the day with you too!...That stepper machine looks tricky=good luck with that!...We always gather around and watch with fascination when our Mommy exercises :)...kitty kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki